Monday, 21 October 2013

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast; a  major fitness concern that has surfaced to its apex over a few couple of decades. This hate for love handles can be attributed to celebrities and fitness enthusiasts who flaunt perfect chiseled abs thus eventually making people poignant about their adipose surrounding the waistline. But fortunately there is an appreciable knowledge available now about How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast and in this post we have collected a few exercises and dietary regulation that you must follow to loos those flabby love handles.
But before we begin, if you have plenty of fat all around your body you might wanna begin with Top 10 Cardio Exercises To Burn Fat Faster At Home and then progress to 10 Best Oblique Exercises For Perfect Ripped Abs. If you are satisfied with your current body-fat percentage we can begin on How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast Without Gym

There are few things you can do in and around your home to accelerate fat loss around your waist. A few exercises, a few dietary adjustments and cardio sessions will get you going.
RUN: How to get Rid of Love Handles Fast
 Sprint run is one of the best resorts to get rid of those pockets of love handles, run as fast as you can.It not only burns a substantial amount of calories but also tones many muscles  along with your lover handles. You can begin slowly with a few miles and then accelerate the length, time and speed of your runs for maximum benefit.
Stairway Workout
How To Get rid of Love handles fast
 Staircase workout helps a lot to get rid of love handles and tone your midsection. You can try staircase workout anywhere, whether you use the stair-stepper machine at the gym, or run up and down flights of stairs at your home or in a lawn.
Check Calorie Intake
Check Calorie Intake
You must check your calorie intake. Know what you eat. Try to stay as far off as you can from over processed, high sugar and high fat foods. Instead eat foods that are fresh and natural like veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean meat and dairy. Calorie check has become more of a physical method than just cognitive idea, this is true because you can use apps like MyFtness Pal right on your iPhone or Android Smartphone to get an approximate account of calories you gulp.
 Home cardio exercies like these can really burn calories and get rid of love handles. We recommend you do your share ofcardio early in the morning as this way, you are burning fat not carbohydrates. To back up this statement consider this, when you wake up  in the morning all the carbs you ate the day before have been consumed to perform all the necessary sleep cycle body functions. This in-turn leaves your body out of carbs and thus when you workout, you are actually burning the stored fats.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast – Things You Should Avoid

Avoid Eating Late
Avoid Eating Late
 Anything you eat a few hours or just before you sleep, no matter how small, is going to turn into fat or something equally useless. This is because naturally our circadian biological clock programs your body into slow metabolism at night. This coupled with inactive sleep state turns everything you eat into fat stores and eventually those ugly love handles.
Avoid Junk Food
Avoid Junk Food
Junk foods are packed with profuse empty calories and plenty of other perilous substance you and your body is not designed to digest or metabolize. So, try to avoid all junk food altogether or limit it to monthly treats.
Avoid Alcohol
Avoid Alcohol
Try to avoid alcohol or at-least just keep it to moderation. Alcohol is just fat and fat without any nutrients. Just 1ml of alcohol contains 7 calories so you might wanna re-consider your thoughts around “those things on rocks.”
Avoid Processed Food
Avoid Processed Food
 Processed foods are known to aggrandize certain ailments and there are many food processes that can limit your goal to get rid of love handles fast.
Avoid Snacks
Avoid Snacks
Eating snacks has more to do with the surrounding activities. People tend to devour fast food and snacks while watching TV or working on computers. Watch your habits and devise a counter-strategy accordingly.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast – 5 Best Exercises

There are a bunch of exercises that target your love handles and help carve them out into beautiful spurs around you abs. We have collected 5 Best Exercises to get rid of Love handles.
#1  Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle Crunches for Love Handles
If you have a strong core, you can use Bicycle crunches to burn out fats around your waist to pave a way for beautiful, lean Adonis belt.
  • Lie on mat with your back pressed against the floor.
  • Bend your knees and put your hands behind your head without clasping.
  • Now, while you press your lower back further into the floor, tighten your abs and lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the floor sequentially.
  • While you do so, simultaneously move your right elbow and left knee into each other, stretching your right leg meanwhile with the same accordion.
  • Make sure you don’t let the right leg reach the ground, keep it atleast 30 degrees above the ground.
  • Come back to the starting position in the reverse sequence and start with the other side.
  • Because this exercise is called a Bicycle crunch and because that is how it is most effective, you need to simulate bicycle speed and motion as swiftly as possible to gain max effects.
  • A minute and a half should more than do it.
#2 Decline Russian Twists
Decline Russian Twists
Russian twists not only focus on your love handles but they also target external and internal obliques for a leaner midsection. And because Russian twists involve fast movements, they also burn out excess fat surrounding your core muscles.
  • Align a bench at an angle of 45 degree from the ground.
  • Anchor your butt on the bench and lean back.
  • Without arching your back, tighten your abs and obliques .
  • Hold a medicine ball or weights in front of your  hands and slowly rotate back and forth from the left to the right.
  • Aim for 20-30 Twists and try increasing weights for more effective and fast results.
#3 Side Plank Hip Dips
Side Plank Hip Dips
Side Plank in itself is a pretty effective exercises for love handles, but since we have decided to showcase only the best exercises, we would like to take that a step up.
  • Lie on the ground laterally with your legs stretched straight and arms bent near elbows.
  • Lift yourself up with pressure on your abs.
  • Now, bring your hips to the ground and lift back to the original position.
  • Complete 15-20 reps on each side.
#4 Deadlift
You can either try the conventional dead-lifts with heavy weights or a dumbbell variant of the same exercise, but irrespective of what you choose, both these variants  are a must to get rid of love handles fast. Deadlift focuses your  lower back, thighs, love handles and a bunch of other muscles, all of them build up into a strenuous fat burning exercise.
  • Place a rod or a dumbbell with as much weight as you think you can lift in front of your legs.
  • With feet shoulder width apart, sit down to hold the rod or dumbbells approximately shoulder width apart.
  • Straighten your back and lift the weight up with focus on your thighs and glutes.
  • When you are half way up, pause for a second to ensure your wing muscles are engaged.
  • Holding your Back Straight and looking forward in the mirror, stand up, this time make sure that this step targets your lower back muscles.
  • Bring the weight back in the reverse sequence.
  • Repeat 5 to 6 times and complete 2-3 sets.
#5 Leg Flutters
Leg Flutters
Leg flutters strengths your lower back and tightens your love handles. The lower back strength provided by this exercise also helps you to perform other love handle exercises effectively without straining your back and posture.
  • Lie down with your back pressed down against the floor.
  • Lift both legs slightly up and then one leg up about 30-40 degree away from the ground.
  • Bring it down slowly, and while you do, move the other leg into the same position simultaneously.
  • The gist of this exercise is basically to simulate a walking motion without loosing focus on your abdominal muscles and love handles during the course of exercise.
  • Aim for 20-30 reps.
We hope our take on How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast helps you achieve leaner look with love handles worth a flaunt. If you follow the tips and exercises enlisted in this post, you should see improvements within a few weeks, and then it is all about enhancing and maintaining your shape.

Monday, 14 October 2013

5 Effortless Tricks To Make Healthy Eating Easy

5 Effortless Tricks To Make Healthy Eating Easy

There’s no question about it: eating healthy 100% of the time can seem like a near impossible goal—especially if you’re not used to eating that way on a regular basis.
But along with consistent exercise, healthy eating is what’s really going to help you reach your goals. It can be the difference between finally achieving the body of your dreams and never quite getting there. Plus, it’ll make you feel better, give you more energy, and help you perform better in your workouts.
And the great thing about it? Healthy eating doesn’t have to be that difficult.
Because when you know what you should be focusing on and how to structure your meals around your busy days, eating healthy can actually be enjoyable—and surprisingly effortless.
Here are five tricks to make healthy eating easy:

1. Eat a protein-packed breakfast every morning

Protein is what keeps you full, fuels your muscles, and helps you keep a strong and lean physique. Starting your day out with around 30 grams of protein will not only help get you through the morning without feeling hunger pains, it will also help you feel less snacky and get less cravings for sugar and carbs later in the day.
As a bonus, since protein is harder for your body to break down than carbohydrates, a high-protein meal can actually increase your metabolism by up to 30% for as long as 12 hours at a time.
2. Carry healthy snacks with you everywhere
I don’t know about you, but if I don’t get food on a regular basis, I become what can only be described as “hangry.”
This used to be hard on my family and friends, because they would never know when I would get too hungry and “turn on them.” And as a result, I would usually be forced to get something unhealthy to snack on such a muffin or a bagel, both poor choices to fuel your body throughout the day without packing on the pounds.
But preventing “hangry” moments or unhealthy snacking when out and about is easy—as long as you do a little planning ahead of time. Doing so will not only help you avoid unhealthy foods, it will keep you from being hungry constantly and make the people around you very, very happy.
Here are a few ideas of easy, healthy snacks you can carry with you at all times:
  • Almonds and other nuts (but avoid sugary trail mixes)
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Protein powder (just mix with water for a quick and easy protein shake)
  • Apples, oranges, grapes and other fresh fruit
  • Protein bars (just avoid ones with high amounts of sugar or added ingredients)

3. Make veggies a main part of every meal

If you’re not a big fan of vegetables, I’m going to take a wild guess and assume you’ve just never had them cooked right.
Because canned, over-sauced or flavorless veggies aren’t on anyone’s list of favorite foods. But fresh, just ripened, in-season veggies? There are so many good ones to choose from—broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, peppers, and more—you’re bound to find at least a couple you like.
And once you find a few that you love (or at least can tolerate), start making them a main part of every meal. Add them to omelets, toss them in salads, make stir fries with them, and even include them in smoothies. Aim to make them at least two thirds of your plate as often as possible.
Before you know it, you’ll not only find that you might actually start to like vegetables, your body will start to crave them because of how good they make you feel after eating them.
And when you fill up on veggies, you’re much less likely to gorge yourself with junk food later on.

4. Eat whole foods whenever possible

One of the easiest ways to eat healthier without trying too hard is to simply focus on avoiding processed foods and include as many whole foods as possible in your diet.
So what exactly are whole foods?
Whole foods are foods that have been processed or refined as little as possible and are free from additives or other artificial substances. They typically don’t come in a box, can, or container, contain little to no added ingredients, and unlike their processed counterparts, are packed with complex micronutrients and dietary fiber.
Eating whole foods mean you’ll frequent your local farmer’s market instead of the canned foods isle, choose whole grains over refined ones, and eat fresh local fish over highly processed TV dinners.
It may take a little getting used to, but once you discover how food is supposed to taste, eating healthy will become much more natural to you.

5. Don’t deny yourself your favorite foods

Do you dream about chocolate chip cookies? Love a good burger once in a while? Crave pumpkin pie on a crisp fall day?
Good. Don’t stop eating those foods. Limit them, yes, but don’t cut them out of your diet altogether.
Why? Because while it may seem counterintuitive, when you cut all of your favorite foods out of your diet completely, not only will it cause to you feel deprived and bitter about eating healthy, more often than not it also leads to a binge eating session of those very same foods when you’re at a moment of willpower weakness.
And the truth is that if you’re working out and keeping active on a regular basis, allowing yourself a few small treats every once in a while will not only make you happier about eating healthy the majority of the time, it will also make it more likely that you’ll stick with healthy eating in the long run.
But just remember, while having your favorite not-so-healthy foods here and there is a perfectly acceptable part of any healthy diet, don’t forget to treat them as they are—special treats.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

13 comfort foods that burn fat


They're called "comfort" foods for a reason—they bring back warm memories, tickle your taste buds, and soothe your soul. Though some comfort foods are deep-fried, covered in cheese, or packed with sugar, some can actually help you lose weight. Beat the battle of the bulge with the following cozy eats.
Hot chocolate
Cocoa is packed with antioxidants, which reduce your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that causes your body to cling to belly fat. In fact, one Cornell University study found that the concentration of antioxidants in hot chocolate is up to five times greater than it is in black tea. Hot chocolate's combination of carbs and protein can also help your muscles recover faster from a tough workout, according to research in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Adding a dash of cinnamon boosts your treat's health benefits even more—it contains compounds that keep insulin out of the blood stream and from storing fat, says Gidus.
Collard greens
A single serving of this hearty veggie adds up to a mere 46 calories. A serving also packs more than your daily-recommended doses of vitamins A and K, which can strengthen your immune system for a healthy metabolism, says Jonny Bowden, a nutritionist and the author of The 150 Healthiest Comfort Foods on Earth. Plus, a cup of collard greens contain 7.6 grams of belly-filling fiber. Research from the US Department of Agriculture shows that eating fiber-rich foods can lower your body's absorption of calories from carbs.
Chicken noodle soup
"People who eat a broth- or vegetable-based soup before their meal consume fewer calories overall," says Rania Batayneh, nutritionist and author of The One One One Diet. "The water in the soup helps fill you up and boosts satiety, and just the act of eating soup helps slow your eating down so that your body has time to notice feelings of fullness." One Penn State study found that people who ate soup before digging into their entrees reduced their total calorie intake by 20 percent. Plus, chicken noodle varieties pack the protein, vitamins, and fiber you need to rev your metabolism even after your meal.
Your old friend joe can boost more than your mood. It can also boost your metabolism, thanks to a healthy dose of the antioxidant chlorogenic acid (CGA), which increases your body's use of fat for energy, Bowden says. Research has also shown that the chemical compound can slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream after a meal while lowering insulin resistance to prevent weight gain. Opt for the strong stuff: Several recent studies have found that caffeine in small doses before exercise can improve performance and help your muscles recover in record time.
Pot roast
The moment protein passes your lips, it starts fighting fat. Your body has to work harder to break down protein and use it for energy, which means you burn more calories as you digest it, Gidus says. It also takes more time to leave your stomach, literally keeping your belly fuller for longer. In one study published in the journal Nutrition Metabolism, dieters who increased their protein intake to 30 percent of their total diet ate about 450 fewer calories a day. Over 12 weeks, that equals 11 pounds lost—without doing anything else!
One cup of warm, gooey oatmeal contains 4 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein, a combination that slows the digestion of carbs, reduces your insulin response, and keeps you fuller for longer, says Batayneh. In fact, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition evaluated 38 common foods and found that oatmeal was the third most filling. When possible, opt for steel-cut oatmeal, which goes through less processing than other varieties and as a result has a lower Glycemic Index score, a measurement of how much a food increases your blood sugar.
Roasted carrots
As a side or mixed in with your favorite meats, the high water and fiber content in carrots fills you up fast. Roast them for a better calorie burn: University of Arkansas researchers found that carrots roasted at 104 degrees contain three times as many antioxidants as raw carrots.
Red wine
In addition to being a heart helper, red wine may be a weapon against excess weight. A 2009 report from the University of Ulm in Germany suggests that resveratrol—the renowned antioxidant found in grape skins—inhibits the production of fat cells. What's more, a substance found naturally in red wine called calcium pyruvate helps fat cells burn more energy, says Gidus. Meanwhile, in a 2011 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, women who had one or two drinks a day were 30 percent less likely to gain weight than teetotalers. So drink up, but stick to just one glass—each 6-ounce serving contains about 150 calories.
Don't let the pies fool you. One cup of this good-for-you gourd contains a mere 46 calories and 3 grams of fiber, according to the USDA. Plus, pumpkin is an excellent source of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which fights the oxidative stress and inflammation in the body that's linked to increased fat storage, Gidus says.
If soup is filling and protein builds muscle, then chili has all that and more. The combination of the fiber from the tomatoes and the protein from the beans and beef and prevents overeating. Plus, capsaicin, the compound that gives cayenne, chili peppers, and jalapeños their heat, can also torch fat, says weight-loss specialist and board-certified internist Dr. Sue Decotiis. Spices trigger your sympathetic nervous system—which is responsible for both the fight-or-flight response and spice-induced sweating—to increase your daily calorie burn by about 50 calories, she says. That equals about 5 pounds lost over a single year.
Whether you call them garbanzos or chickpeas, a half-cup serving of these hearty legumes provides about 40 percent of your daily protein needs and 70 percent of your daily fiber intake, helping to stabilize blood sugar, control cravings, and prevent overeating, Gidus says. They're also a great source healthy unsaturated fats that can whittle your waistline. A 2009 study from the University of Newcastle in Australia found that participants who consumed the most unsaturated fats had lower body mass indexes and less belly fat than those who consumed the least.
Roasted potatoes
Spuds don't have a waist-friendly reputation, but they're actually full of nutrients, Gidus says. "White foods contain the disease-fighting chemical allicin," she says. "This chemical, also present in garlic, has been shown to fight inflammation in the body, contributing to smaller waistlines." Plus, research shows that calorie for calorie, white potatoes are more satisfying than any other tested food.
Mashed sweet potatoes
Eating sweet potatoes can prevent sugar from getting stored around your waistline as fat. How? Sweet potatoes are rich in carotenoids—the orange and yellow pigments in plants that help the body respond to insulin—as well as CGA (also found in coffee). Carotenoids and CGA slow the body's release of glucose and insulin, says Bowden. Plus, sweet potatoes are filled with fiber, which slows digestion and prevents blood sugar from plummeting—and your hunger from spiking.

Friday, 4 October 2013



If you begin training for a bike race, you will get so busy focusing on your training that the pounds will seem to just melt off. By registering for a bike race you are committing to not just a race but prior to training, which will add up to calories burned and inches lost! Registering for a bike race is one of the best goals that will help you lose weight!


Registering for a running race is my favorite thing to do because it is all about committing to something greater than weight loss, it is about bettering your physical and mental health. I recommend beginning with a 5k (3.1 miles) race because this is achievable with minimal weekly mileage training. And running burns a whopping 600-800 calories in an hour!


Okay, I am a little partial to registering for a boot camp class because I am an instructor of one, but it is the best form of total body training. I have helped so many body transformations, including myself, all from boot camp workouts. It has given me a boot in the right direction for weight loss and body changes and it can do the same for you. Just make sure that if you decide to enlist in a local boot camp, you are ready for the challenge.


It does not matter what your age or fitness level is, it is always fun and exciting to try new things, so why not try a new sport? You can register for a soccer league, volleyball, softball or even swimming in your age category. This is a great way to burn calories, make new friends and reach your weight loss without stress!


Swimming is a great workout and most gyms have pools, so this is easily accessible if you belong to a gym. You can join a swimming league and even compete if you wish, so you can focus on a goal other than weight loss.


Dancing is a great workout and a lot of fun. There was a period of my life when I went to dance socials with my friends on the weekends and lessons during the week. If you find that you are a talented dancer or you are ready to work hard to become one, you can even register for dance competitions. You can do some Latin dancing, swing, or whatever you wish. Ready to feel like you are part of Dancing with the Stars? Then register for dancing lessons and embark on fitness fun!


Do something outside of your element by registering for an extreme challenge. This can be a challenge run, a longer bike race, a 2 day walk, or whatever else you would like to challenge yourself with. Better yet, do this for a charity! I recently ran the toughest 5k in my state and I have to tell you, as hard as it was, I loved accomplishing this goal!
If you make fitness goals you will lose weight without the stress over the number. What goal will you begin with first?

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Kayleigh Iliffe Diet and Training Guide (Bikini Body Program)

Kayleigh Iliffe Diet and Training Guide

When dieting, it is important to keep the metabolism going instead of simply cutting down the calories therefore you should aim to be eating five to six evenly spaced small meals throughout the day. This will help keep you blood sugar levels stable and stop cravings. The management of blood sugar and insulin response is key to keeping the fat off the stomach. This is why someone who eats only one packet of sweets a day can still have fat on their stomach. We need to learn to eat clean and little and often to keep the blood sugar levels constant. The diet I like to use is a high protein, low GI diet
Not eating junk food is 80% of your success. If you do not buy it, odds are, you won’t eat it. Try to eat natural and organic foods where possible. If it’s not natural, don’t eat it.
Once a week, you can have a cheat meal, you can eat anything you want in moderation. This does not mean for the whole day, just for one meal. Try not to drink too much alcohol or consume liquid calories.

20 Steps to a HOT Bikini Body: 
  1. Weight train
  2. Eat triple the green vegetables you are eating now
  3. Drink 3 litres of water a day
  4. Don’t confuse thirst with hunger.
  5. Learn to cook
  6. Prepare your food ahead of time and carry it with you
  7. Do not eat within an hour of going to bed.
  8. Steer clear of processed pre-packed foods
  9. Do not skip meals or become too hungry.
  10. Eat small servings.
  11. Eat frequently.
  12. Carry food with you at all times.
  13. Eat “net negative” calorie foods, foods high in fibre like celery and salad.
  14. Burn more calories than you take in.
  15. Limit the sugars in your diet
  16. Don’t drink calories. - No juice, soda, or alcohol.
  17. Do not purchase or eat junk food.
  18. Get enough sleep – 8 hours a night
  19. Do daily cardio
  20. Keep the good fats in the diet 

The Food Groups

Eat 3 to 4 servings a day. Protein foods are essential to your fat loss program. Two thirds of all your meals should include a serving of protein. Skinless chicken breast, white fish and egg whites are all good sources of lean proteins. A good protein shake can help you add extra protein to your diet without too much effort.
Go easy on starchy carbohydrates (oats, pasta, potatoes etc). Stick to unprocessed carbohydrates like vegetables from the negative calorie food list. Eat grains and foods high in fibre. Avoid fast digesting processed carbohydrates, like white breads, white sugar products, candies, cakes, pastas, and white rice. I personally do not eat bread at all, this is a personal choice for you but if you are eating bread make sure it is brown and not every day. A brown sandwich at lunch time will not do you any favours.
Avoid foods that contain bad fats. Do not use hydrogenated vegetable oils or margarines that contain trans fatty acids. Instead, eat foods high in good fats like fish (that contain the omega-3 fatty acids), avocados, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, seeds, and nuts. I recommend coconut oil for cooking. You should try to up your good fat intake, an easy way to do this is take 2 tablespoons of oil a (High quality fish oil, Udos oil or Flaxseed oil) or a 1-2 tablespoons of almond butter a day.
Fresh fruits are good for you, however they are high in sugar, I tend to stick to no more than two pieces of low GI fruit a day (ie berries, apples or pears) and when dieting for a contest I cut out fruit altogether. Avoid processed or canned fruits or dried fruit with added sugar.
Green vegetables can be eaten without limit. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes (sweet potato preferred as it is lower GI) can be eaten in moderation provided you are not eating processed carbs such as white bread, sweets etc so fill up on vegetables! Try to eat at least 4 servings of vegetables every day
Grains are high in fibre and should be eaten 1 to 2 times a day. Each serving should be no more than 1/2 cup (uncooked weight). Grains include: oats, brown rice and wild rice.
You can have one teaspoon of any of the condiments included in Good Food list at the end of this book. 3 maximum servings (in any combination) of condiments a day. Salt, pepper, and seasonings contain very little calories but you should limit your salt intake, salt does not cause you to put on weight but will cause you to hold water which will make you appear heavier. Always check the sugar content of any pre-bought sauces, better still, avoid them altogether.
You should be seriously limiting your junk food intake. Junk food includes all processed carbohydrates, fried food, white sugar, white bread, fast food, alcohol, and bad fatty foods. Make sure you read all the labels at the supermarket and pick the option with the least „junk food content.
Try to eliminate simple sugars from your diet. Stop drinking sugar in fizzy drinks, fruit juice, tea, coffee etc. Check the labels of your cereals and yoghurts even the „natural yoghurts. Stop eating cakes, sweet and biscuits. Try not to eat anything that has more than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams. Sugar free alternatives are no better and sometimes have even worse health complications. Artificial sweeteners still produce an insulin response in the body which is does not help the belly fat cause and they can actually make you crave „real sugar even more. Cut it out. Live without it.
Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol increases the levels of the hormone Cortisol and decreases the levels of Testosterone in the body. Cortisol causes the body to breakdown muscle and suppresses recovery from exercise, while low testosterone levels (yes in women also) makes the body less likely to build lean muscle or to burn fat as fuel. This is why drinkers get a big belly and skinny arms and legs. Are you one of them? Not a good bikini look!
It is important to maintain your bodys natural PH balance. Foods high in protein and sugars can cause body to become more acidic which can lead to problems later in life related to osteoporosis and cancers. It is important to eat enough alkaline foods (such as green veg) to counter balance this. I suggest taking Spirulina supplements and Aloe Vera juice to ensure the right PH balance for the body.
You need to ensure you are eating 5-6 meals a day and no longer than 3 hours in between meals.. Try to eat protein with every meal and reduce starchy carbs. These should be ideally in the morning and pre/post training. 
A healthy balanced diet should look like this:
Meal 1
30g oats (dry weight) with water, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, 4egg whites, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
Meal 2
110g salmon, or chicken, turkey, tuna, prawns, steak or white fish – choose 1100g mixed vegMeal 3
110g salmon, or chicken, turkey, tuna, prawns, steak or white fish – choose 1
100g brown rice /sweet potato /Yam
100g mixed veg
Meal 4
110g salmon, or chicken, turkey, tuna, prawns, steak or white fish – choose 1

Meal 5
110g salmon, or chicken, turkey, tuna, prawns, steak or white fish – choose 1
100g mixed veg (asparagus, red peppers, broccoli)

Post workout: 1 scoop TPN whey protein, 30g dry weight oats

Multivitamin with Iron and B vits
500mg vit c twice daily
Calcium supplement
True Performance  glutamine x2 daily post training and before bed
True Performance BCAA pre and post training
True Performance Whey Protein post training
True Performance Ripped – fat burners
True performance rush - pre workout

Once a week, you can have a meal of your choice – whatever you want. This is not a whole day of eating badly, it is just 1 x cheat meal. Do not carry the cheat over to the next day or whole weekend. Have your cheat on the same day every week, last meal of the day so you cannot cheat more!
•  Prepare your meals the night before
•  Invest in some Tupperware
•  Weigh your food, all cooked weights apart from grains
•  Fresh meats can be expensive so you could buy bags of frozen chicken breasts from the supermarket and keep in the freezer
•  Dont worry what anyone else thinks of you, i.e work colleagues, you will look better than them so who cares?
•  Stop buying lunch from the shop and get used to preparing your own, it seems like a hassle at first but you have to ask yourself the question „how badly do I want to make a change?
•  Plan your shopping trips, write a list and dont look at temptation!

Be prepared!! I prepare my 6 meals the night before so that I have it ready to eat the next day. It helps me stick to clean eating and avoid the temptation of buying good elsewhere.
Don't keep junk food at home, if it's not in your cupboards then your not tempted to eat it.
Be strong, eating clean takes alot of will power you have to want it to be able to stick to it!
The longer you go without the junk the easier it becomes as you stop craving it as much, just be consistent with the clean eating and the results will show. 
Try to have a wide variety in your diet. Eating clean doesn't have to be boring! I have 6 meals a day and everyone is different!

Meat and fish should be oven cooked, boiled or grilled ideally. Chicken skins should be removed and no oil added. Use 1 cal oil spray and a non stick pan for dry frying. Fats from meat should be drained away and not added to gravy/sauces. Vegetables are better steamed or boiled, try not to overdo it as this will decrease the nutrient value, raw veg is a good option where possible. Always avoid shop bought sauces and most are full of sugar, get used to your food plain.
It is important to keep the good fats up but do not over do it. You can have 1 tablespoon of ground flax a day and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter MAX (or the equivalent in raw nuts) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil with salad (or the equivalent in olives). These are all good fats and help to keep your skin healthy and can actually aid weight loss but even good fats are calorific so monitor what you intake. 
•                Apples
•                Blackberries
•                Blackcurrants
•                Blueberries
•                Cherries
•                Cranberries
•                Grapefruit
•                Kiwis
•                Lemons
•                Melons
•                Oranges
•                Peaches
•                Pears
•                Plums
•                Raspberries
•                Strawberries 

•                Boiled sweets
•                Jelly sweets
•                Canned fruits
•                Chocolate
•                Fudge
•                Honey
•                Puddings
•                Soft drinks
•                Table sugar
•                Raw cane sugar 

•                Barley
•                Beans
•                Bran
•                Brown rice
•                Buckwheat
•                Corn
•                Cornmeal 
•                High fibre breakfast cereals
•                Lentils
•                Maize
•                Muesli
•                Oatcakes
•                Oatmeal
•                Other root vegetables
•                Peas
•                Brown Pita bread
•                Porridge oats
•                Sweet potatoes
•                Wheat germ
•                Wholegrain cereals
•                Wholemeal bread
•                Yam

•                Bagels
•                Cakes
•                Chips
•                Crackers
•                Macaroni
•                Pasta
•                Spaghetti
•                White breads
•                White potatoes
•                White rice

•                Bacon
•                Butter
•                Cheeses (whole fat)
•                Cocoa butter
•                Cream
•                Dairy products (whole fat)
•                Egg yolks
•                Fatty meats
•                Ice cream
•                Lard
•                Margarine
•                Organ meats (heart, etc.)
•                Palm kernel oil
•                polyunsaturated fat
•                Trans-fat foods (fast foods,
•                Doughnuts, French fries, onion rings
•                Cow’s milk

•                Extra virgin olive oil
•                Fish and poultry
•                Lean meats and pork
•                Nuts
•                Olives
•                Flax seed
•                Omega 3-fatty acids (found in fish, seafood and supplements)

Negative calorie foods safely force your body to work harder during digestion, thus burning more calories than dense high calorie processed foods.
Suggested foods are:
•                Asparagus
•                Beetroot
•                Broccoli
•                Carrot
•                Cauliflower
•                Celery
•                Cucumber
•                Green cabbage
•                Water cress
•                Green beans
•                Hot chilli pepper
•                Lettuce
•                Onion
•                Peppers
•                Radishes
•                Spinach
•                Tomato
•                Turnip 
Some say diet is 50% of what you look like, some say it is as much as 80%. Whilst a good diet is the foundation to a good body, it just makes you a smaller version of you. If you want to sculpt your body, lift your glutes and get some tone in your thighs then training with weights is the way forward. Muscle tissue burns fat, and the act of increasing muscle, increases the rate at which the body can metabolize energy, and ultimately burn fat. Research by a Romanian Scientist made the important discovery that the lactic acid pathway is better for fat loss than the commonly accepted aerobic pathway. He found that high blood lactic levels decrease blood pH levels, which in turn sends a message to the brain to accelerate its production of growth hormone. Higher growth hormone counts increase fat loss.
In my experience, the best way to build the perfect body, for people that are in need of losing some body fat and developing some muscle is a circuit system. I would usually prescribe a circuit of upper/lower body supersets with little rest periods in order to burn as much calories as possible whilst still building and maintaining lean muscle tissue.
For those of you that find an excuse not to workout (and they are all excuses), start by being more active. Move your body, walk more, dance more, take the stairs. It all helps.
A good plan to start with would look something like this;
Day 1 legs
Superset5 x 10 Leg press – heavy5 x 10 Leg extension Superset4 x 20 Travelling barbell lunges 4 x 20 Narrow Barbell squatsSuperset4 x 12 Hyper extensions weighted4 x 12 Bulgarian split squats(back leg on bench)Single5 x 15 Stiff leg barbell
Day 2 chest/back
4 x 10 Wide grip lat pull down 4 x 10 chest press flat db 4 x 10 Single arm row 4 x 10 Incline press 4 x 10 Seated row 4 x10 Cable flies 4 x 10 Bent over rows 4 x 10 Cable flies
Day 3 hamstrings and calves
Superset5 x 12 Stiff leg deadlifts5 x 12 Lateral jumps (side/side squat jumps) Superset5 x 12 One leg Deadlifts5 x 12 One leg step upsSuperset5 x 12 leg curl machine5 x 12 Hamstring ball curl inSuperset5 x 20 standing calf raise5 x 20 Seated calf raise
Day 4 shoulders/arms
3 x 20 One arm lateral raises Superset3 x 20 High rope pulls3 x 20 Front raises with weight plateSuperset4 x 12 Incline bench db curls4 x 12 Hammer curlsSuperset4 x 12 Tricep dips on Pull up4 x 12 Tricep skull crushers with dbsSuperset4 x 12 Barbell curls4 x 12 kickbacks
Day 5 glutes
5 x 15 One leg press 5 x 20 Lateral side jumps 5 x 15 Outer Thigh machine 5 x 20 Travelling lunge 5 x 20 Good Morning 5 x 20 Pop squats 5 x 15 Cable kickbacks5 x15 One leg squats on smith 5 x 10 hyper extensions 5 x 10 jump squats