Saturday, 21 September 2013

Kayleigh Iliffe Diet and Training Guide (Bikini Body Program)

Kayleigh Iliffe Diet and Training Guide

When dieting, it is important to keep the metabolism going instead of simply cutting down the calories therefore you should aim to be eating five to six evenly spaced small meals throughout the day. This will help keep you blood sugar levels stable and stop cravings. The management of blood sugar and insulin response is key to keeping the fat off the stomach. This is why someone who eats only one packet of sweets a day can still have fat on their stomach. We need to learn to eat clean and little and often to keep the blood sugar levels constant. The diet I like to use is a high protein, low GI diet
Not eating junk food is 80% of your success. If you do not buy it, odds are, you won’t eat it. Try to eat natural and organic foods where possible. If it’s not natural, don’t eat it.
Once a week, you can have a cheat meal, you can eat anything you want in moderation. This does not mean for the whole day, just for one meal. Try not to drink too much alcohol or consume liquid calories.

20 Steps to a HOT Bikini Body: 
  1. Weight train
  2. Eat triple the green vegetables you are eating now
  3. Drink 3 litres of water a day
  4. Don’t confuse thirst with hunger.
  5. Learn to cook
  6. Prepare your food ahead of time and carry it with you
  7. Do not eat within an hour of going to bed.
  8. Steer clear of processed pre-packed foods
  9. Do not skip meals or become too hungry.
  10. Eat small servings.
  11. Eat frequently.
  12. Carry food with you at all times.
  13. Eat “net negative” calorie foods, foods high in fibre like celery and salad.
  14. Burn more calories than you take in.
  15. Limit the sugars in your diet
  16. Don’t drink calories. - No juice, soda, or alcohol.
  17. Do not purchase or eat junk food.
  18. Get enough sleep – 8 hours a night
  19. Do daily cardio
  20. Keep the good fats in the diet 

The Food Groups

Eat 3 to 4 servings a day. Protein foods are essential to your fat loss program. Two thirds of all your meals should include a serving of protein. Skinless chicken breast, white fish and egg whites are all good sources of lean proteins. A good protein shake can help you add extra protein to your diet without too much effort.
Go easy on starchy carbohydrates (oats, pasta, potatoes etc). Stick to unprocessed carbohydrates like vegetables from the negative calorie food list. Eat grains and foods high in fibre. Avoid fast digesting processed carbohydrates, like white breads, white sugar products, candies, cakes, pastas, and white rice. I personally do not eat bread at all, this is a personal choice for you but if you are eating bread make sure it is brown and not every day. A brown sandwich at lunch time will not do you any favours.
Avoid foods that contain bad fats. Do not use hydrogenated vegetable oils or margarines that contain trans fatty acids. Instead, eat foods high in good fats like fish (that contain the omega-3 fatty acids), avocados, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, seeds, and nuts. I recommend coconut oil for cooking. You should try to up your good fat intake, an easy way to do this is take 2 tablespoons of oil a (High quality fish oil, Udos oil or Flaxseed oil) or a 1-2 tablespoons of almond butter a day.
Fresh fruits are good for you, however they are high in sugar, I tend to stick to no more than two pieces of low GI fruit a day (ie berries, apples or pears) and when dieting for a contest I cut out fruit altogether. Avoid processed or canned fruits or dried fruit with added sugar.
Green vegetables can be eaten without limit. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes (sweet potato preferred as it is lower GI) can be eaten in moderation provided you are not eating processed carbs such as white bread, sweets etc so fill up on vegetables! Try to eat at least 4 servings of vegetables every day
Grains are high in fibre and should be eaten 1 to 2 times a day. Each serving should be no more than 1/2 cup (uncooked weight). Grains include: oats, brown rice and wild rice.
You can have one teaspoon of any of the condiments included in Good Food list at the end of this book. 3 maximum servings (in any combination) of condiments a day. Salt, pepper, and seasonings contain very little calories but you should limit your salt intake, salt does not cause you to put on weight but will cause you to hold water which will make you appear heavier. Always check the sugar content of any pre-bought sauces, better still, avoid them altogether.
You should be seriously limiting your junk food intake. Junk food includes all processed carbohydrates, fried food, white sugar, white bread, fast food, alcohol, and bad fatty foods. Make sure you read all the labels at the supermarket and pick the option with the least „junk food content.
Try to eliminate simple sugars from your diet. Stop drinking sugar in fizzy drinks, fruit juice, tea, coffee etc. Check the labels of your cereals and yoghurts even the „natural yoghurts. Stop eating cakes, sweet and biscuits. Try not to eat anything that has more than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams. Sugar free alternatives are no better and sometimes have even worse health complications. Artificial sweeteners still produce an insulin response in the body which is does not help the belly fat cause and they can actually make you crave „real sugar even more. Cut it out. Live without it.
Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol increases the levels of the hormone Cortisol and decreases the levels of Testosterone in the body. Cortisol causes the body to breakdown muscle and suppresses recovery from exercise, while low testosterone levels (yes in women also) makes the body less likely to build lean muscle or to burn fat as fuel. This is why drinkers get a big belly and skinny arms and legs. Are you one of them? Not a good bikini look!
It is important to maintain your bodys natural PH balance. Foods high in protein and sugars can cause body to become more acidic which can lead to problems later in life related to osteoporosis and cancers. It is important to eat enough alkaline foods (such as green veg) to counter balance this. I suggest taking Spirulina supplements and Aloe Vera juice to ensure the right PH balance for the body.
You need to ensure you are eating 5-6 meals a day and no longer than 3 hours in between meals.. Try to eat protein with every meal and reduce starchy carbs. These should be ideally in the morning and pre/post training. 
A healthy balanced diet should look like this:
Meal 1
30g oats (dry weight) with water, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, 4egg whites, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
Meal 2
110g salmon, or chicken, turkey, tuna, prawns, steak or white fish – choose 1100g mixed vegMeal 3
110g salmon, or chicken, turkey, tuna, prawns, steak or white fish – choose 1
100g brown rice /sweet potato /Yam
100g mixed veg
Meal 4
110g salmon, or chicken, turkey, tuna, prawns, steak or white fish – choose 1

Meal 5
110g salmon, or chicken, turkey, tuna, prawns, steak or white fish – choose 1
100g mixed veg (asparagus, red peppers, broccoli)

Post workout: 1 scoop TPN whey protein, 30g dry weight oats

Multivitamin with Iron and B vits
500mg vit c twice daily
Calcium supplement
True Performance  glutamine x2 daily post training and before bed
True Performance BCAA pre and post training
True Performance Whey Protein post training
True Performance Ripped – fat burners
True performance rush - pre workout

Once a week, you can have a meal of your choice – whatever you want. This is not a whole day of eating badly, it is just 1 x cheat meal. Do not carry the cheat over to the next day or whole weekend. Have your cheat on the same day every week, last meal of the day so you cannot cheat more!
•  Prepare your meals the night before
•  Invest in some Tupperware
•  Weigh your food, all cooked weights apart from grains
•  Fresh meats can be expensive so you could buy bags of frozen chicken breasts from the supermarket and keep in the freezer
•  Dont worry what anyone else thinks of you, i.e work colleagues, you will look better than them so who cares?
•  Stop buying lunch from the shop and get used to preparing your own, it seems like a hassle at first but you have to ask yourself the question „how badly do I want to make a change?
•  Plan your shopping trips, write a list and dont look at temptation!

Be prepared!! I prepare my 6 meals the night before so that I have it ready to eat the next day. It helps me stick to clean eating and avoid the temptation of buying good elsewhere.
Don't keep junk food at home, if it's not in your cupboards then your not tempted to eat it.
Be strong, eating clean takes alot of will power you have to want it to be able to stick to it!
The longer you go without the junk the easier it becomes as you stop craving it as much, just be consistent with the clean eating and the results will show. 
Try to have a wide variety in your diet. Eating clean doesn't have to be boring! I have 6 meals a day and everyone is different!

Meat and fish should be oven cooked, boiled or grilled ideally. Chicken skins should be removed and no oil added. Use 1 cal oil spray and a non stick pan for dry frying. Fats from meat should be drained away and not added to gravy/sauces. Vegetables are better steamed or boiled, try not to overdo it as this will decrease the nutrient value, raw veg is a good option where possible. Always avoid shop bought sauces and most are full of sugar, get used to your food plain.
It is important to keep the good fats up but do not over do it. You can have 1 tablespoon of ground flax a day and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter MAX (or the equivalent in raw nuts) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil with salad (or the equivalent in olives). These are all good fats and help to keep your skin healthy and can actually aid weight loss but even good fats are calorific so monitor what you intake. 
•                Apples
•                Blackberries
•                Blackcurrants
•                Blueberries
•                Cherries
•                Cranberries
•                Grapefruit
•                Kiwis
•                Lemons
•                Melons
•                Oranges
•                Peaches
•                Pears
•                Plums
•                Raspberries
•                Strawberries 

•                Boiled sweets
•                Jelly sweets
•                Canned fruits
•                Chocolate
•                Fudge
•                Honey
•                Puddings
•                Soft drinks
•                Table sugar
•                Raw cane sugar 

•                Barley
•                Beans
•                Bran
•                Brown rice
•                Buckwheat
•                Corn
•                Cornmeal 
•                High fibre breakfast cereals
•                Lentils
•                Maize
•                Muesli
•                Oatcakes
•                Oatmeal
•                Other root vegetables
•                Peas
•                Brown Pita bread
•                Porridge oats
•                Sweet potatoes
•                Wheat germ
•                Wholegrain cereals
•                Wholemeal bread
•                Yam

•                Bagels
•                Cakes
•                Chips
•                Crackers
•                Macaroni
•                Pasta
•                Spaghetti
•                White breads
•                White potatoes
•                White rice

•                Bacon
•                Butter
•                Cheeses (whole fat)
•                Cocoa butter
•                Cream
•                Dairy products (whole fat)
•                Egg yolks
•                Fatty meats
•                Ice cream
•                Lard
•                Margarine
•                Organ meats (heart, etc.)
•                Palm kernel oil
•                polyunsaturated fat
•                Trans-fat foods (fast foods,
•                Doughnuts, French fries, onion rings
•                Cow’s milk

•                Extra virgin olive oil
•                Fish and poultry
•                Lean meats and pork
•                Nuts
•                Olives
•                Flax seed
•                Omega 3-fatty acids (found in fish, seafood and supplements)

Negative calorie foods safely force your body to work harder during digestion, thus burning more calories than dense high calorie processed foods.
Suggested foods are:
•                Asparagus
•                Beetroot
•                Broccoli
•                Carrot
•                Cauliflower
•                Celery
•                Cucumber
•                Green cabbage
•                Water cress
•                Green beans
•                Hot chilli pepper
•                Lettuce
•                Onion
•                Peppers
•                Radishes
•                Spinach
•                Tomato
•                Turnip 
Some say diet is 50% of what you look like, some say it is as much as 80%. Whilst a good diet is the foundation to a good body, it just makes you a smaller version of you. If you want to sculpt your body, lift your glutes and get some tone in your thighs then training with weights is the way forward. Muscle tissue burns fat, and the act of increasing muscle, increases the rate at which the body can metabolize energy, and ultimately burn fat. Research by a Romanian Scientist made the important discovery that the lactic acid pathway is better for fat loss than the commonly accepted aerobic pathway. He found that high blood lactic levels decrease blood pH levels, which in turn sends a message to the brain to accelerate its production of growth hormone. Higher growth hormone counts increase fat loss.
In my experience, the best way to build the perfect body, for people that are in need of losing some body fat and developing some muscle is a circuit system. I would usually prescribe a circuit of upper/lower body supersets with little rest periods in order to burn as much calories as possible whilst still building and maintaining lean muscle tissue.
For those of you that find an excuse not to workout (and they are all excuses), start by being more active. Move your body, walk more, dance more, take the stairs. It all helps.
A good plan to start with would look something like this;
Day 1 legs
Superset5 x 10 Leg press – heavy5 x 10 Leg extension Superset4 x 20 Travelling barbell lunges 4 x 20 Narrow Barbell squatsSuperset4 x 12 Hyper extensions weighted4 x 12 Bulgarian split squats(back leg on bench)Single5 x 15 Stiff leg barbell
Day 2 chest/back
4 x 10 Wide grip lat pull down 4 x 10 chest press flat db 4 x 10 Single arm row 4 x 10 Incline press 4 x 10 Seated row 4 x10 Cable flies 4 x 10 Bent over rows 4 x 10 Cable flies
Day 3 hamstrings and calves
Superset5 x 12 Stiff leg deadlifts5 x 12 Lateral jumps (side/side squat jumps) Superset5 x 12 One leg Deadlifts5 x 12 One leg step upsSuperset5 x 12 leg curl machine5 x 12 Hamstring ball curl inSuperset5 x 20 standing calf raise5 x 20 Seated calf raise
Day 4 shoulders/arms
3 x 20 One arm lateral raises Superset3 x 20 High rope pulls3 x 20 Front raises with weight plateSuperset4 x 12 Incline bench db curls4 x 12 Hammer curlsSuperset4 x 12 Tricep dips on Pull up4 x 12 Tricep skull crushers with dbsSuperset4 x 12 Barbell curls4 x 12 kickbacks
Day 5 glutes
5 x 15 One leg press 5 x 20 Lateral side jumps 5 x 15 Outer Thigh machine 5 x 20 Travelling lunge 5 x 20 Good Morning 5 x 20 Pop squats 5 x 15 Cable kickbacks5 x15 One leg squats on smith 5 x 10 hyper extensions 5 x 10 jump squats

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