Monday, 21 October 2013

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast; a  major fitness concern that has surfaced to its apex over a few couple of decades. This hate for love handles can be attributed to celebrities and fitness enthusiasts who flaunt perfect chiseled abs thus eventually making people poignant about their adipose surrounding the waistline. But fortunately there is an appreciable knowledge available now about How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast and in this post we have collected a few exercises and dietary regulation that you must follow to loos those flabby love handles.
But before we begin, if you have plenty of fat all around your body you might wanna begin with Top 10 Cardio Exercises To Burn Fat Faster At Home and then progress to 10 Best Oblique Exercises For Perfect Ripped Abs. If you are satisfied with your current body-fat percentage we can begin on How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast Without Gym

There are few things you can do in and around your home to accelerate fat loss around your waist. A few exercises, a few dietary adjustments and cardio sessions will get you going.
RUN: How to get Rid of Love Handles Fast
 Sprint run is one of the best resorts to get rid of those pockets of love handles, run as fast as you can.It not only burns a substantial amount of calories but also tones many muscles  along with your lover handles. You can begin slowly with a few miles and then accelerate the length, time and speed of your runs for maximum benefit.
Stairway Workout
How To Get rid of Love handles fast
 Staircase workout helps a lot to get rid of love handles and tone your midsection. You can try staircase workout anywhere, whether you use the stair-stepper machine at the gym, or run up and down flights of stairs at your home or in a lawn.
Check Calorie Intake
Check Calorie Intake
You must check your calorie intake. Know what you eat. Try to stay as far off as you can from over processed, high sugar and high fat foods. Instead eat foods that are fresh and natural like veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean meat and dairy. Calorie check has become more of a physical method than just cognitive idea, this is true because you can use apps like MyFtness Pal right on your iPhone or Android Smartphone to get an approximate account of calories you gulp.
 Home cardio exercies like these can really burn calories and get rid of love handles. We recommend you do your share ofcardio early in the morning as this way, you are burning fat not carbohydrates. To back up this statement consider this, when you wake up  in the morning all the carbs you ate the day before have been consumed to perform all the necessary sleep cycle body functions. This in-turn leaves your body out of carbs and thus when you workout, you are actually burning the stored fats.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast – Things You Should Avoid

Avoid Eating Late
Avoid Eating Late
 Anything you eat a few hours or just before you sleep, no matter how small, is going to turn into fat or something equally useless. This is because naturally our circadian biological clock programs your body into slow metabolism at night. This coupled with inactive sleep state turns everything you eat into fat stores and eventually those ugly love handles.
Avoid Junk Food
Avoid Junk Food
Junk foods are packed with profuse empty calories and plenty of other perilous substance you and your body is not designed to digest or metabolize. So, try to avoid all junk food altogether or limit it to monthly treats.
Avoid Alcohol
Avoid Alcohol
Try to avoid alcohol or at-least just keep it to moderation. Alcohol is just fat and fat without any nutrients. Just 1ml of alcohol contains 7 calories so you might wanna re-consider your thoughts around “those things on rocks.”
Avoid Processed Food
Avoid Processed Food
 Processed foods are known to aggrandize certain ailments and there are many food processes that can limit your goal to get rid of love handles fast.
Avoid Snacks
Avoid Snacks
Eating snacks has more to do with the surrounding activities. People tend to devour fast food and snacks while watching TV or working on computers. Watch your habits and devise a counter-strategy accordingly.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast – 5 Best Exercises

There are a bunch of exercises that target your love handles and help carve them out into beautiful spurs around you abs. We have collected 5 Best Exercises to get rid of Love handles.
#1  Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle Crunches for Love Handles
If you have a strong core, you can use Bicycle crunches to burn out fats around your waist to pave a way for beautiful, lean Adonis belt.
  • Lie on mat with your back pressed against the floor.
  • Bend your knees and put your hands behind your head without clasping.
  • Now, while you press your lower back further into the floor, tighten your abs and lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the floor sequentially.
  • While you do so, simultaneously move your right elbow and left knee into each other, stretching your right leg meanwhile with the same accordion.
  • Make sure you don’t let the right leg reach the ground, keep it atleast 30 degrees above the ground.
  • Come back to the starting position in the reverse sequence and start with the other side.
  • Because this exercise is called a Bicycle crunch and because that is how it is most effective, you need to simulate bicycle speed and motion as swiftly as possible to gain max effects.
  • A minute and a half should more than do it.
#2 Decline Russian Twists
Decline Russian Twists
Russian twists not only focus on your love handles but they also target external and internal obliques for a leaner midsection. And because Russian twists involve fast movements, they also burn out excess fat surrounding your core muscles.
  • Align a bench at an angle of 45 degree from the ground.
  • Anchor your butt on the bench and lean back.
  • Without arching your back, tighten your abs and obliques .
  • Hold a medicine ball or weights in front of your  hands and slowly rotate back and forth from the left to the right.
  • Aim for 20-30 Twists and try increasing weights for more effective and fast results.
#3 Side Plank Hip Dips
Side Plank Hip Dips
Side Plank in itself is a pretty effective exercises for love handles, but since we have decided to showcase only the best exercises, we would like to take that a step up.
  • Lie on the ground laterally with your legs stretched straight and arms bent near elbows.
  • Lift yourself up with pressure on your abs.
  • Now, bring your hips to the ground and lift back to the original position.
  • Complete 15-20 reps on each side.
#4 Deadlift
You can either try the conventional dead-lifts with heavy weights or a dumbbell variant of the same exercise, but irrespective of what you choose, both these variants  are a must to get rid of love handles fast. Deadlift focuses your  lower back, thighs, love handles and a bunch of other muscles, all of them build up into a strenuous fat burning exercise.
  • Place a rod or a dumbbell with as much weight as you think you can lift in front of your legs.
  • With feet shoulder width apart, sit down to hold the rod or dumbbells approximately shoulder width apart.
  • Straighten your back and lift the weight up with focus on your thighs and glutes.
  • When you are half way up, pause for a second to ensure your wing muscles are engaged.
  • Holding your Back Straight and looking forward in the mirror, stand up, this time make sure that this step targets your lower back muscles.
  • Bring the weight back in the reverse sequence.
  • Repeat 5 to 6 times and complete 2-3 sets.
#5 Leg Flutters
Leg Flutters
Leg flutters strengths your lower back and tightens your love handles. The lower back strength provided by this exercise also helps you to perform other love handle exercises effectively without straining your back and posture.
  • Lie down with your back pressed down against the floor.
  • Lift both legs slightly up and then one leg up about 30-40 degree away from the ground.
  • Bring it down slowly, and while you do, move the other leg into the same position simultaneously.
  • The gist of this exercise is basically to simulate a walking motion without loosing focus on your abdominal muscles and love handles during the course of exercise.
  • Aim for 20-30 reps.
We hope our take on How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast helps you achieve leaner look with love handles worth a flaunt. If you follow the tips and exercises enlisted in this post, you should see improvements within a few weeks, and then it is all about enhancing and maintaining your shape.

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